Onderkasten voor IKEA Faktum keuken

Deze onderkasten zijn 70 cm hoog en 58 cm diep. Ze worden allemaal “effen wit” gemaakt, ongeacht de gekozen kleur voor de fronten. Voeg gewoon uw favoriete keuze toe aan poten, planken, laden, scharnieren en fronten enz.

Base cabinets for FaktumWidth x Height x DepthPrijsCustomize
Onderkast 15×7015 x 70 x 58 cm219,00 Options
Onderkast 20×7020 x 70 x 58 cm229,00 Options
Onderkast 30×7030 x 70 x 58 cm229,00 Options
Onderkast 40×7040 x 70 x 58 cm229,00 Options
Onderkast 45×7045 x 70 x 58 cm239,00 Options
Onderkast 50×7050 x 70 x  58 cm239,00 Options
Onderkast 60×7060 x 70 x 58 cm249,00 Options
Onderkast 80×7080 x 70 x 58 cm259,00 Options

Cabinet for a built-in ovenWidth x Height x DepthCustimize
Onderkast 60×70 voor inbouwoven60 x 70 x 58 cm299,00 Options

These Pantry cabinets with a solid back are purpose made for IKEA Faktum kitchens. May be equipped with fronts, hinges, shelves and drawers etc according to your preferences. See the separate tab for cabinets for built-in appliances.

Tall cabinets width 40 cmWidth x Height x DepthPrijsCustomize
Hoge kast 40×19540  x 195 x 58 cm295,00 Options
Hoge kast 40×21740 x 217 x 58 cm325,00 Options

Tall cabinets width 50 cmWidth x Height x DepthCustimize
Hoge kast 50×19550 x 195 x 58 cm299,00 Options
Hoge kast 50×21750 x 217 x 58 cm325,00 Options

Tall cabinets width 60 cmWidth x Height x DepthCustimize
Hoge kast 60×12560 x 125 x 58 cm279,00 Options
Hoge kast 60×19560 x 195 x 58 cm299,00 Options
Hoge kast 60×21760 x 217 x 58 cm325,00 Options

These appliance cabinets with a partial open back for ventilation are purpose made to house various appliances in an IKEA Faktum kitchen. May be equipped with fronts and hinges etc according to your preferences. See the separate tab for regular pantry cabinets with solid backs.

Cabinets for built-in appliancesWidth x Height x DepthPrijsCustomize
Onderkast 60×70 voor inbouwoven60 x 70 x 58 cm299,00 Options
Hoge inbouwkast 60×12560 x 125 x 58 cm319,00 Options
Hoge inbouwkast 60×19560 x 195 x 58 cm339,00 Options
Hoge inbouwkast 60×21760 x 217 x 58 cm369,00 Options

Set of 3 or 5 drawers. Runners with SoftClose included. Fronts and cabinets are ordered separately. 

Set of 3 drawersPrijsConfigure
Set van 3 lades, B=30 cm (excl. fronten)249,00 Options
Set van 3 lades, B=40 cm (excl. fronten)249,00 Options
Set van 3 lades, B=50 cm (excl. fronten)249,00 Options
Set van 3 lades, B=60 cm (excl. fronten)275,00 Options
Set van 3 lades, B=80 cm (excl. fronten)295,00 Options

Set of 5 drawersPrijsConfigure
Set van 5 lades, B=30 cm (excl. fronten)439,00 Options
Set van 5 lades, B=40 cm (excl. fronten)439,00 Options
Set van 5 lades, B=50 cm (excl. fronten)439,00 Options
Set van 5 lades, B=60 cm (excl. fronten)463,00 Options
Set van 5 lades, B=80 cm (excl. fronten)495,00 Options

These shelves fits inside an IKEA Faktum or an IKEA Rationell kitchen cabinet. Each shelf is named by the outside measurements of the cabinet they are to be fitted inside and are expressed in the format Width x Depth (of the outside of the cabinet). A 60×58 shelf fits inside a 60 cm wide and 58 cm deep cabinet etc.

Faktum Base Cabinet Shelves 2pcsPrijs
Onderkast planken 30×58 2x49,00 Options
Onderkast planken 40×58 2x53,00 Options
Onderkast planken 50×58 2x57,00 Options
Onderkast planken 60×58 2x59,00 Options
Onderkast planken 80×58 2x69,00 Options

We recommend 2 shelves for a 70 cm tall wall cabinet

Faktum Wall Cabinet Shelves 2pcsPrijs
Wandkast planken 30×35 2x37,00 Options
Wandkast planken 40×35 2x39,00 Options
Wandkast planken 50×35 2x43,00 Options
Wandkast planken 60×35 2x49,00 Options
Wandkast planken 80×35 2x53,00 Options

We recommend 3 shelves for a 92 cm tall wall cabinet

Faktum Wall Cabinet Shelves 3pcsPrijs
Wandkast planken 30×35 3x45,00 Options
Wandkast planken 40×35 3x47,00 Options
Wandkast planken 50×35 3x49,00 Options
Wandkast planken 60×35 3x53,00 Options
Wandkast planken 80×35 3x59,00 Options

We suggest glass shelves for glass doors/ display doors

Faktum Wall Cabinet Shelves In Tempered Glass 3pcsPrijs
Glazen planken 30×35 3x99,00 Options
Glazen planken 40×35 3x109,00 Options
Glazen planken 60×35 3x119,00 Options
Glazen planken 80×35 3x129,00 Options

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