How to order new kitchen doors and fronts in two different colours or in two different models

Our Online Ordering System is optimised for one colour and modell only. That works for about 98% of all our customers and if 23 different items are ordered the customer do not have to enter the preferred colour 23 different times but only once. At this page be describe how to make a bi-colour or two modell kitchen order.

Here is how to order a 2 colour kitchen

A. Add your main model + colour into a cart (E.g. W08 + Easy Grey

B. Add ALL your needed items into the same cart.

C. Proceed to the Checkout page.

D. At the Checkout page (the same page as you enter your delivery address) you will find a message text box.

E. In this text box, please mention your SECOND model och colour (E.g. W12 + Off White) + mention all the items from your cart that you would like in this second model and/ or colour.

F. We will send you a summary for you to review and we will await your final OK before we start the making of your order.

As an alternative you may just mentin in the text box that you’ll send us a separate Email with all the instruction (in text or in Excel etc). Whatever way is the most convenient to you.

We will not charge you any extra for this service

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