Corner Cabinets for IKEA Faktum Kitchens

These cabinets are meant to be fitted in a corner. Either as as base corner cabinet or as a wall corner cabinet. The base corner cabinets are to be fitted next to the ordinary IKEA Faktum 58 cm deep base units and the wall corner cabinets are to be fitted next to the ordinary IKEA Faktum 35,5 cm deep wall cabinets. Just add your preferred choice of shelves, hinges and door etc.

All our Corner Cabinets for IKEA Faktum kitchens will be made in “plain white” no matter the chosen colour for the fronts.

These base cabinets are purpose made to be fitted in a corner of an IKEA Faktum kitchen.

Base corner cabinets
Base Corner Cabinet 90×90299,00 Options
Base Corner Cabinet 120×70299,00 Options

Carousels for Faktum kitchens
Carousel “Half Moon” for a 120×70 Corner Cabinet. 2 Steel swivel out wheels.225,00 Options
Carousel for the 90×90 Corner Base Cabinet. 2 Steel swivel wheels.225,00 Options

These wall cabinets are purpose made to be fitted in a corner of an IKEA Faktum kitchen.

Wall corner cabinets
Wall Corner Cabinet 60×60 H=70275,00 Options
Wall Corner Cabinet 60×60 H=92295,00 Options

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